
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

One vital part of discipleship is our willingness to follow the example of Jesus and serve. Western Heights has many ministries in which you can find a place to serve. We have organized our ministries around our 4 core values of discipleship.


Audio/Video - Chris Walling / Timothy Floyd
Iglesia - Osiel Robledo / Miguel Gonzalez*
Life Groups - David Hoover*
Song Leaders - David Wilson
Online Ministry - Mitch Wiggains


Benevolence - Frank Brown / Bruce Luedke
Funeral Lunches - Richard Oglesby / Sandy McMillan / Donna Haker
GriefShare - Rusty Sherry / Janet Freeman
Helping Hands - Joe Brown* / Carl Akins*
Nursery - Elaine Cottrell


Education (Children) - Jayna Brown
Education (Youth) - Rusty Sherry / Junior Jaimes
Education (Adult) - Mitch Wiggains
Education (VBS) - Audrey Warner / Katie Wiggains
Institutional Support - Matt Helm
Missions - Steve Prock*
New Member Involvement - Ken Mullins*
Outreach -Greg Ivans / Don Sharp
Visitor Integration  - Mitch Wiggains


Mid-Week Meal - Katie Wiggains
Men's Ministry - Ryan Lux
Senior Life - David Parker* / Sandy McMillan
Tuesday Ladies Bible Class - Cladene Belcher
Women's Ministry - Carol Keene / Paula Rivoire
Youth & Family -Rusty Sherry / Junior Jaimes
Young Adult - Junior Jaimes / Rusty Sherry

Supporting Ministries

Building - Reese Brentzel* / Chris Walling
Finance - Laurie Bryan
Lawn -Jay Bryan
Safety - Damon Vannoy
Technology - Junior Jaimes
* denotes deacon

Serve with our church family

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

If you are looking for a place to serve. We welcome you to reach out and let us know what you might be interested in helping with.

Questions about our ministries?

If you have any questions, or would like more information about how to get involved, let us know.